The Spring 2014 issue of Building the Body quarterly is being printed and we should be sending it out by the beginning of the week of May 18th. One of my bodybuilding role models Larry Scott passed away recently and this issue is dedicated to him.
Passing of a Legend saddened by the passing of Larry Scott we dedicate this issue to his memory. In this article Frank tells how Larry inspired him.
Benefits of Massage - Here's why it's a good idea to get a massage every week or two.
Herbs, Spices and Inflammation - Better to take these than resort to drugs, here are the best ones but don't count on immediate relief.
Arm Reps - the secret to great arm development is to get at least a pump, preferably a burn on every set. This call for higher reps, here's how.
Wide Asleep - Sleep is vital for many reasons, these are some of the most important.
Let’s Grow is here! - I'm happy to present my newest book for sale, only available here, personally autographed. It's got tons of information on how to isolate and grow specific bodyparts and create a well shaped body.
My Personal Workout - I've been working out three times a week on the new Let's Grow routine doing back of upper body on Tuesday, Legs on Thursday, and front of upper body on Saturday.
About Let’s Grow - Early reviews love this book and I had fun writing it.
Shaken not Stirred is the best way to take our new Egg White Perfection. An interview with amino acid expert Don Tyson lays out the fundamentals and nutritional benefits of amino acid and protein supplementation.
Personal Progress - Gotta say I'm pleased with how my body is responding to my three workouts a week and my stricter nutritonal program.
We Get Letters - A bunch of interesting emails this issue, could write an entire issue just on reader comments and questions.
Under the Sun - I knew it, this is why a little sunbathing is good for you.
Front Raise - Do you need to add this movement to your upper body workout? Usually not if you are doing a lot of pressing movements, but if you did need more frontal deltoids what's the best way to do this exercise?
Frankly Speaking - Here's what I think.
Goods and Services - We have a protein amino acid supplement special for paid subscribers to BTB. If you don't already, subscribe for $24 a year in USA. We just uncovered a lot of color slides taken 1970 through early 1990 Frank Zane and other competitors which all unpublished which will be featured in upcoming issue of Building the Body.